Several common myths about sleep may sound so logical and convincing that many of us truly believe them. However, if you really want to sleep well, it’s time to separate the facts from these myths.
Myth 1: Can you really catch up on your lost sleep?
Most people believe that they can catch up on lost sleep during the week by sleeping in over the weekend. Unfortunately, it doesn’t help that much. Although they might wake up refreshed after getting an extra six hours of sleep from only sleeping 4-5 hours the previous night, this feeling is often short-lived and wouldn’t make up for sleep lost over a longer period of time, as well as the effects of sleep deprivation.
To truly enjoy better sleep quality and maintain good health, stick to a consistent bedtime and wake up at the same time every morning to keep your body clock in check.
Myth 2: Is hitting the snooze button good for you?
How many times do you hit the snooze button before getting out of bed? One time, two times, three times… or even more? You’re probably thinking that the snooze button would allow you to get a few more minutes of sleep and wake up more rested. However, this doesn’t really help you much, but could actually harm your brain and body.
When you hit snooze after your alarm goes off, you would fall back to sleep and restart your sleep cycle. Your body also begins to release hormones that trigger deep sleep. After a few more snooze cycles, your body and brain would get confused about whether it’s time to wake up or fall asleep, resulting in a feeling of drowsiness and fatigue called sleep inertia. With an extended sleep inertia, you are more likely to feel more tired throughout the day.
Myth 3: Is snoring bad for our health?
Snoring is a common condition among us, but is it a sign of bad health?
For most people, snoring isn’t much of an issue and could often be controlled with home remedies that are widely available. However, it can also be an indication of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), where air cannot move freely through the passageways towards the back of your nose and mouth, or it becomes blocked during sleep. OSA not only affects sleep quality, but according to the U.S. National Sleep Foundation, it can also increase the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke and obesity.
If you find yourself having a serious issue with snoring, you should consider seeking advice from a doctor.